

The NCPD provides skills training to lower Councils,interacts with all District Councils for Persons with Disabilities through general conferences, mobilizes and maintains a strong human resource and ensures
availability and utilization of internal operational policies.


Management and Coordination of NCPD.
Strategic Objective:  Enhanced capacity of the Council at all levels to effectively perform its functions.
Strategic Outputs

  •  Annual budget target attained
  • Partnership management policy developed and operational.
  • NCPD structures established, visible  and operational at all levels.
  • National and regional offices fully equipped and staffed

Annual budget target attained

  • Lobby ministry of Finance and Economic Development and Parliamentary Budget Committee for a Vote.
  • Develop a comprehensive business plan for sustaining NCPD addressing national, district and sub county.  
  • Secure new partners and maintain existing ones;
  • Support the Lower Councils to mobilize resources.
  •  Write concept notes and funding  proposals  and market to  donors and  development partners;
  • Organize fundraising drives.

Partnership management policy developed and operational.

  • Develop and implement a partnership management policy in consultation with stakeholders;
  • Organize disability reconciliation workshop
  • Participate in   National, Regional and International fora
  •  Conduct exposure visits for learning
  •  Carry out partnership management meetings on a quarterly  basis

NCPD structures established, visible  and operational at all levels.

  • Facilitate regular Council inductions, retreats and periodic performance reviews for national, district and sub county level.
  • Train national, district and sub county councils in leadership, proposal development, programming among others
  • Support the establishment of the district and sub county councils.
  • Support the district and sub county levels to provide regular feedback to the national council
  • Hold regular council meetings at the national, district and sub county levels
  • Hold annual general conference for joint planning with lower councils for persons with disabilities
  • Develop new and review existing appropriate policies
  • Carry out regular joint monitoring activities with partners and DPOs  
  • Develop specific projects ;

National and regional offices fully equipped and staffed

  • Develop and maintain an appropriate human resource development plan.
  • Engage and secure  volunteers  from organisations providing volunteers.
  • Procure   relevant tools and facilities for efficient execution of the mandate of the national and lower Councils;
  • Recruit staff to fill the vacant positions in the staff structure.
  • Rebrand national Council for persons with disability profiling its national, regional and international status.
  • Set up Management Information System
  • Develop a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework