

Council Overview

The National Council for Persons with Disabilities is a Public institution established in 2003 and re-established by the Persons with Disabilities Act 2020 as a National body charged with monitoring the extent to which Persons with Disability benefit from existing Legislation,Policies and Programs. Its establishment was jointly initiated and supported by Government and Uganda’s Disability fraternity as a means of Monitoring and setting Standards for Disability-related interventions in the Country.

The work of NCPD is conducted within the context of the International and National legal regime on human/disability rights, as well as the Country’s human Capital development and community mobilization programs elaborated in the National Development Plan iii. In its work, the NCPD monitors Government Institutions, Civil Society and the Private sector. This is made possible through its structure that runs from the National to the District /City/Municipality/ Sub county/Town Council/Division levels.


To be “A model  National disability institution that promotes inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in development processes."


NCDP exists to promote the Human Rights of persons with disabilities through partnership, coordination, advocacy, and monitoring for compliance to legal frameworks.

Strategic Goals of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities

In order to realise our mandate, the Council has the following strategic goals:

• Increased rights protection and acess to services by persons with disabilities.

• Increased information and capacity on disability inclusion.

• Increased knowledge among persons with disabilities and general public on disability.

• Enhanced capacity of the Council at all levels to effectively perform its function.


"The Mandate of NCPD includes Monitoring; Coordination Capacity building; information awareness on inclusion and lobbying; regulating the support services; persons with disabilities; Establishing programs for counseling and guidance of persons with disabilities and or their care givers."


Section 17 (1) of the Persons with Disabilities Act 2020 mandates the Council to:

  • Monitor the implementation of this Act by Government, government agencies, non governmental  gencies, body’s corporate and private persons
  • carry out or commission surveys, inquiries or investigations on matters relating to violation of
    rights of persons with disabilities under this Act or non-compliance with this Act by Government, bodies corporate or private persons and advocate for collective measures by the concerned party
  • Advocate for the development, implementation and sustenance of programmes and projects by Government, government agencies, nongovernmental agencies, for the improvement of the welfare of persons with disabilities
  • Develop projects and schemes for self-employment or sheltered employment for persons with
  • Establish programmes for the support, counseling and other assistance to persons with  disabilities and for the parents, guardians and caregivers of persons with disabilities
  • Monitor the welfare and rehabilitation services non-governmental agencies, including vocational
    guidance and counseling
  • Regulate the human support services for persons with disabilities including sign language interpreters,readers, guides and life assistants
  • Liaise with Government on the needs, problems and other issues of persons with disabilities, for planning purposes
  • mobilize persons with disabilities to participate in elections, sports and other co-curricular activities for persons with disabilities at all levels
  • Alleviate blindness by raising awareness on the prevention, early detection and treatment of eye diseases, to promote the welfare of the persons with visual disability
  • Advocate for the education, training and employment of persons with visual disability
  • Maintain a register of Governmental and nongovernmental organizations that provide services for the rehabilitation and welfare of persons with disabilities and the membership of those organizations