

This is implemented through stakeholders’ coordination meetings, district spot visits, and regular sharing/ exchange of information. NCPD further engages arbitrating in cases of human rights abuse against PWDs,doing appropriate referrals where aggrieved parties cannot amicably solve grievances, as well as linking Persons with Disabilities to legal aid services.


Monitor compliance of policies  laws and programmes  for  inclusion.

Strategic objective 1: Increased protection of rights of and access to services by persons with disabilities.
Strategic Outputs

  • Guidelines and standards for disability inclusion developed in line with national, Regional and international legal and policy framework for MDAs, CSOs and private sector.
  •  MDAs, CSOs and private sector capacity developed to utilize the standards and guidelines for disability inclusion.  
  • A monitoring and evaluation framework developed by NCPD for assessing compliance.


Guidelines and standards for disability inclusion developed in line with national and international legal and policy and data management framework for MDAs, CSOs and private sector.

  • Analyze existing policies, guidelines and legal instruments in line with Persons with Disability Act 2020,
  • Develop guidelines and inclusion standards.
  • Develop position papers where gaps exist to lobby and advocate for inclusion of disability issues in MDAs, CSOs and the private sector.

 MDAs, CSOs and private sector capacity developed to utilize the standards and guidelines for disability inclusion.

  1. Develop tailor made training curricular on policies, guidelines and legal instruments for MDAs, CSOs and the private sector to address the different laws and instruments for disability inclusion.
  2. Production of materials in accessible format, large print, audio, braille, easy read and local  languages. Conduct training, public debates and symposiums for the various MDAS, CSOs, the private sector and other development partners on the utilization of the standards and guidelines.
  3. Register cases of rights abuse and refer to relevant authorities for further action.
  4. Conduct or commission investigations or surveys on violation of rights of persons with disabilities or none compliance of implementation of laws, policies and programs;
  5. Provide a forum for hearing cases of violation of rights of persons with disabilities through tribunals or Judiciary arrangements at district, regional and national levels.  
  6. Establish a toll free line to report cases of human rights abuse.

Monitoring and Evaluation undertaken for compliance.

  1. Undertake regular disability audits to assess compliance and award certificates.
  2. Identify and use disability champions/monitors  at different levels to expose exclusion and human rights abuse of persons with disabilities.
  3. Lobby for inclusion of disability indicators at key data management information systems of MDAs.